

Training in Ortho-Bionomy is learning a modality that addresses the body as whole. It works on all levels, structural, neuromuscular, energetic, emotional. It does so without pain, without discomfort and with little physical demand on the practitioner. At the same time you learn how to be present, how to listen and pay attention to everything that wishes to communicate, a person, an animal, a plant, a cell. To notice movement and patterns no matter how slight. You learn how to respect and honor all process while helping its expression and progress. You learn ways to do the same for yourself.

Ortho-Bionomy is a powerful, stand-alone therapy but can be effectively integrated into other forms of therapeutic work. Because there are no contraindications to Ortho-Bionomy, you can use this modality with clients for whom a different modality is contra-indicated.

How do you begin the path to Learning O-B?

Generally, it is recommended that you begin with receiving a session and then look to a local instructor to provide recommendations on upcoming courses. 

Reach out here to begin the journey