What is Ortho-Bionomy®?
What does a typical O-B session look like?
The Ortho-Bionomy technique in action
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What is Ortho-Bionomy?

Welcome to Ortho-Bionomy (OB), where the body is supported and met without force to create a safe place for the body to shift into greater function and comfort.

In Ortho-Bionomy, the practitioner and client work together to allow the body to come into greater balance and ease. Its unique approach can be profound, as a person’s nervous system is supported to reach a deep sense of calm, restfulness and healing.


Training in Ortho-Bionomy is learning a modality that addresses the body as whole. It works on all levels, structural, neuromuscular, energetic, emotional. It does so without pain, without discomfort and with little physical demand on the practitioner.


Katerina Economidou was raised in Athens, Greece. She came to Chicago in 1981, where she received a BA in Fine Arts from the University of Illinois.

Her long time interest in medicine, math, and art came together when she became involved in alternative healing, while working at a medical clinic. In 1991 she began a life long commitment to the study and practice of body therapies, such as Jin Shin Do Acupressure and Massage Therapy.


"Katerina has a way of communicating concepts in an integrated, organic manner. After a workshop with her, you discover that the knowledge has grown within you, as quietly and stealthily as a flower grows from a seed."
"I can highly recommend Katerina’s Ortho-Bionomy skills to you.  I have benefited from those skills for over 25 years! I carry a lot of stress in my back.  I can honestly say I would not have had the quality of life I did, had it not been for my regular sessions with Katerina.  There is just something unique about the experience when her hands touch you.  She is my healing source and I believe hers come from a deep rooted other worldly healing source.  She is somehow connected to the universe’s healing energy and transfers that energy and knowledge to her clients. She is profoundly connected to her clients."

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