Frequently Asked Questions

What do I wear?

Ortho-Βionomy sessions are noninvasive and always clothes-on. It is recommended that you wear comfortable, loose fitting clothing.

What will the bodywork feel like?

Ortho-Bionomy is gentle in nature and involves engaging your body’s self-corrective mechanisms through compression, movement, light touch and reeducation movements. It can bring on a deep sense of relaxation and calm, as pain is avoided in order to support self-correction.

How will I feel after the session? 

Most people feel very relaxed and calm. Often you will feel a decrease in pain levels and greater flexibility. Some comments from clients on the 24 hours following a session, include: “Floaty. Calm. The burning golfball of pain in my back is gone! Loose. Relaxed. My shoulders are more open. My jaw no longer clicks! Very present.” It is possible that you might feel sore as the work continues to integrate over the next 72 hours. It is recommended you drink plenty of water following your session, and attempt to schedule your appointment to allow for non-stressful activities immediately following the session.

Is one session enough?

Typically, relief and change is felt from the first session. The number, and timing of sessions is dependent upon the complexity of the injury and how the clients body responds to the treatment. When addressing a specific injury, the time may be as close as once a week and open up to once a month as the body integrates the changes.

How does O-B work?

Ever have a feeling that ‘something was not quite right’ that disappeared after a good nights sleep? Ortho-Bionomy® engages similar neural reflexes to support self-correction for the ‘not quite right’ that doesn’t find its own way to resolve. Through stimulating the proprioceptive sense in the musculoskeletal tissues with non-force movements, positioning, exploration of movement and compression/tension; O-B allows and supports the body in its integrations of the new alignment. Being a NonForce Principle based work, instead of technique based, ensures that your Nervous System is encouraged to move towards its optimum Rest u0026amp; Digest (Parasympathetic) State during the entire session creating a deep sense of wellbeing and calm.