
The Development of Ortho-Bionomy®

Ortho-Bionomy is a system of working with innate reflexes. Ortho-Bionomy bodywork introduces the concept of self-correcting reflexes as the basis for stimulating structural balance and client awareness. Gentle positioning is used to relieve joint and muscle pain and reduce stress.

Why the Sand Dollar?

I am looking at a 250,000,000 year-old fossilized sand dollar from England I bought on a recent trip to Dallas. What an enduring life form is this elegant little echinoderm. It gives me a sense of security that this was chosen by Arthur as a symbol to represent Ortho-Bionomy.

Teaching the Body to Remember

Ease and harmony — that’s what the body seeks to rediscover with Ortho-Bionomy, a gentle osteopathically-based system for working with the body’s self-corrective reflexes. According to Ortho-Bionomy founder Arthur Lincoln Pauls, D.O., ease and harmony are things we already know, and Ortho-Bionomy is one way of remembering.

Inside-Out Bodywork

By Linda Knittel If you want someone to rub away knots in your back or aching shoulders, don’t call an Ortho-Bionomy (O-B) or Feldenkrais practitioner. It’s not that these techniques can’t address such trouble spots; both are exceptional at easing tight muscles, healing injuries, and alleviating chronic pain.

What does a typical O-B session look like?

Typically, Ortho-Bionomy sessions last approximately an hour. Comfortable, loose fitting clothing is suggested to allow full range of motion. The practitioner works with you to identify areas of discomfort, tension and pain as well as areas of comfort and ease of movement. Gentle movements, comfortable positioning, brief compressions and subtle contacts are used. No forceful movements or pressures are used.