What does a typical O-B session look like?

Typically, Ortho-Bionomy sessions last approximately an hour. Comfortable, loose fitting clothing is suggested to allow full range of motion. The practitioner works with you to identify areas of discomfort, tension and pain as well as areas of comfort and ease of movement. Gentle movements, comfortable positioning, brief compressions and subtle contacts are used. No forceful movements or pressures are used.

Every Ortho-Bionomy session is specifically designed around your individual needs. Your practitioner will rely on your verbal feedback to fine tune movements which best facilitate your body’s return to natural alignment. Typically, the relief of stress and tension lasts for days or longer after a session.

Your practitioner may suggest self-care release techniques you can do at home. These self-care exercises further aid in relieving pain, restoring function, and rebalancing the body.